Find the therapy that best fits for you.

Evidence based practices are clinically proven effective treatments for trauma and negative experiences. Our therapists are trained in multiple modalities and can work with you to find the most beneficial treatment style for your specific needs. Learn more about the different therapies or click below to take a free decision aid to discover the best modality for you.

  • EMDR

    Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy that utilized bilateral stimulation to reprocess cognitive road blocks. It allows you to reprocess negative memories so the content is stored in a more useful and effective way in the brain.

  • CPT

    Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) focuses on how traumatic experiences shift our worldview. It empowers our thoughts to overcome negative feelings and/or behaviors. There is strong emphasis on homework in this modality.

  • Somatic Experiencing

    Somatic Experiencing (SE™) helps release trauma stored in the body and nervous system, addressing stress, shock, and dysregulation. By focusing on how trauma impacts our nervous system, SE supports healing from patterns of fight, flight, or freeze. Used across various professions, SE integrates physiology, psychology, and neuroscience to promote resilience and recovery.

Now is the time.

Contact us to schedule a free 15 minute consult to talk more about therapy options.